Guaranteed Consultation Packages:
Schools visits – from £800 – £1500 (+VAT) depending on requirements.
Pure home half day visit (a half-day visit to your home (including 1 hour reasonable travelling), a Bespoke Action Plan to help your child, followed by a follow-up call 3-4 weeks later)
Pure home one day visit (a one-day visit to your home (including 2 hours reasonable travelling), a Bespoke Action Plan to help your child, followed by a follow-up call 3-4 weeks later)
VIP home visit (a pre-visit assessment, a one-day visit to your home (including 2 hours reasonable travelling), a Bespoke Action Plan to help your child, follow-up online consultation, followed by a follow-up call 3-4 weeks later)
International home visit (a pre-visit assessment, a two-day visit to your home (does not include flights or accommodation), a Bespoke Action Plan to help your child, follow-up online consultation, followed by a follow-up call 3-4 weeks later)
Remember all of Richard’s visits are covered by his unique Personal Guarantee, you do not pay if Richard cannot help you!
To request your application form please email