Richard Daniel Curtis, leading behaviour expert, is a lively, passionate and engaging speaker.

He often runs seminars around the country on topics, such as mental health, brain development.  When possible we record them to make them available to a wider audience.

Scroll down to view the available seminars.

The things that every parent and teacher should be taught

Changes in adolescence

Parenting a preteen and teenager through their pubescent journey is hard work for parents.  You have put in all of the hard during their earlier childhood and this is meant to be a time when things become easier, but they don’t.

This is one of the most complex times to be a parent and yet, quite frankly, you feel unskilled, out of your depth and afraid to do the wrong thing.

This seminar covers the important questions, like:

  • Why your pubescent teen sleeps all weekend..
  • Why they are moody…
  • Why everything is a drama…
  • Why they can’t make a decision and treat everything like it’s a threat…


Learn about the changes that happen in the brain during adolescence in this 40 minute seminar.

Teenage Mental Health

There are so many threats to our emotional wellbeing in the modern world.  Times that by 100 for our teenagers as they go through the adolescent changes and have to negotiate the social world of school.

Many parents are concerned about self-harm, anxiety, depression or eating disorders, if their children are really affected by them or what they can do to help their child avoid mental health difficulties.

In this seminar learn about:

  • the most common mental health problems affecting our teenagers
  • what you can do to support your child
  • how you can help to avoid poor mental health in your child


The seminar includes:

  • anxiety
  • self-harm
  • depression
  • eating disorders


This is a 50 minute online seminar from the author of Boosting Positive Mental Health in Teens and Positive Mental Health in Children.

Get your access today!