Fed up with tantrums?
Does it feel like your child has no respect?
Annoyed by the way they respond to you or your staff?
Want solutions right now?
It was great to talk to you today, thanks for taking the time out.
We identified a specific problem that you feel you’d benefit from sitting down and getting right to the point to address your situation.
Maybe the tears tantrums and thumps are just too much.
Maybe it’s your child’s sleep that’s keeping you awake at night.
For some it’s the answering back and lack of respect that you’re struggling with.
All in all you’re worried that your child is suffering, you just want to look after them and know that I have the answers for the concerns you have.
For a one-off investment in your family, we’ll spend 1-2 hours talking through your situation and I guarantee that we’ll come up with a plan as a result.
And if you didn’t already know, then when I guarantee something, I deliver, or I don’t charge you a penny.
Just email my team at enquiries@thekidcalmer.com to take the next step and book in your appointment.