Why are teenagers so moody? Pre-adolescent brain development In the two or three years leading up to puberty the brain develops millions of new neurons, particularly in the pre-frontal cortex (the area at the front of the brain) and the grey matter surrounding. Just as with the young child, it is important that these new …
The development of the brain
Regions of the brain Reptilian Complex Medulla Oblongata – Regulates bodily functions like pulse and breathing rates. Cerebellum – Controls balance and voluntary muscle movement. Pons – Connects both halves of your body to integrate movement like walking, running or swimming. Limbic System (Mammalian Brain) Thalamus – This is the area of the brain that …
Teach children more than they learn at school
For adolescents it is important to stimulate the neurons growing in their mind as much as possible before they reach the middle of puberty. This help stimulate the different areas of the brain so that as it rewires over the following few years in preparation for adulthood. The best way of doing that is to …